Le Corbusier, The pioneer of modern architectural style

Charles-Édouard Jeanneret, better known as Le Corbusier was an architect, designer and writer and widely considered a pioneer of modern architectural style.

Born in Switzerland in 1887 (later to become a naturalized French citizen), he produced numerous designs and won several awards (including the Frank P. Brown Medal in 1961) over a career that spanned fifty years.

His buildings are still standing in cities across Europe, India and America. Once quoted as saying that ‘chairs are architecture, sofas are bourgeois”, Le Corbusier began experimenting with furniture design in 1928. The most famous of his collection is the now-iconic LC-Set.

Though often subject to critique and questioning, the legacy succeeding Le Corbusier after his death in 1965 is undeniable; many of his furniture designs feature in homes, offices and commercial spaces worldwide.